The default joint precedence is suitable for many IK solutions. It assumes that joints closest to where a force is applied (the end effector) will move more than joints farther from the force.
The default joint precedence is a value of 0 for every joint: all joints have the same precedence value. This default starts calculations with the end effector and progresses up the IK chain until the base object is reached.
Using methods described in the following topics you can change the default precedence values. You can also set your kinematic chain back to its default precedence.
To reset the default joint precedence:
Select all objects in the kinematic chain.
On the Hierarchy panel, expand the Object Parameters rollout.
Set Precedence to 0.
Note: Default joint precedence occurs whenever all joints in the kinematic chain have the same precedence value. Assigning a value of 100 to all objects in the kinematic chain is exactly the same as assigning a value of 0.