These commands on the default Edit menu are for basic edit manipulations of selections.
Undo and Redo are as in standard Windows applications. These commands are available on the default main toolbar as well. In gmax, there is an additional history of commands. Right-clicking the Undo or Redo buttons displays a list of commands you can undo or redo. Not all operations are undoable.
Note: Viewport changes such as panning and zooming have a separate Undo and Redo. See View-Handling Commands.
The Hold and Fetch command set is an alternative to Undo and Redo. Hold saves the current state of the gmax scene. After performing Hold, you can restore that state at a later point by invoking Fetch. Sometimes when you are about to perform a risky operation, an alert prompts you to perform a Hold first.
gmax does not have Cut and Paste as many Windows applications do. The Delete command simply removes the selection from the scene.