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WebTrends Log Analyzer 5.0a, Professional 4.0a and Enterprise 4.0a
WebTrends will help you determine who visits your site, how they arrive and left, what search engine phrases were used, time the user spent on the site and how often they return. Other features will help sites manage advertising, bandwidth, site usage by hour, day or week and over a 100 other choices. A DNS cache will also help convert IP addresses to domain names to improve analysis. The professional version adds proxy server analysis, link analysis and quality control modules. For a high-end Web site, the Enterprise edition includes all the features of the Professional edition plus the ability to export results from the WebTrends' FastTrends database to high-end database servers such as Oracle 8, Microsoft SQL other ODBC-compliant databases.

Download File

Log Analyzer 5
File name wtltrial5.exe

File size

File name wtptrial4.exe

File size
File name Wtetrial4.exe

File size

Click on the file name to download the file from the CD to your PC
File details
Author/supplier: WebTrends

Web site:

Operating system: Windows 95/98/NT

Licence: Shareware

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