Microsoft releases IE bug fix

By now, you've probably heard that Internet Explorer 4.0 has a few problems. A tight-lipped Microsoft has been working on an update, Version 4.01, which is now posted on the Internet Explorer download page ( If you've already installed 4.0, you can download a smaller patch by choosing Favorites, Software Updates, Microsoft Internet Explorer, to get to the Internet Explorer Update Channel page.
Microsoft says that 4.01 solves the most frequently reported problems, including conflicts with the Home Base software that comes preinstalled on some Compaq Presario computers, and "general stability issues"; in other words, crashing, freezing, and plain flakiness. Version 4.01 also incorporates accessibility features for vision-impaired users, including the ability to override Web page font sizes, colours, and styles. These features were in IE 3, but didn't make it into 4.0.
Version 4.01 also includes fixes for the Freiburg and buffer-overrun security issues, but it's not clear whether it addresses the recently discovered page-redirection flaw. In a memo to reviewers, Microsoft recommends that IE 4 users who haven't experienced trouble with IE 4 and don't need the accessibility features simply download and install the patches that address these problems.
- Scott Spanbauer

Category: Bugs and fixes
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 179

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