Extended information errors

Q I was patient enough to download all 17Mb of Internet Explorer 4 off the Net. But now it won't let me download from certain sites because "the server returned extended information". I'm sure you've heard about this before, so I just want to see if you know why it does this, and whether there's a workaround.
- Peter Lo

A You may encounter this error when you try to download from an FTP server using either Internet Explorer 3 or 4. FTP servers are usually configured to return textual error information when your connection fails. In this case, Internet Explorer has received an error from the FTP server, but is unable to understand why the connection failed. The most probable cause is that the server has reached its anonymous FTP connections limit. Another possible cause is that Internet Explorer cannot use passive mode to transfer files from the server, and does not currently support normal mode. In passive mode, file transfers are initiated by the client software (your browser); in normal mode the server connects to the client. Currently the only solutions are to try connecting at different times, or to use alternative FTP programs to download from the server.

IE4 may generate this less than helpful error message when connecting to an FTP server
- Belinda Taylor

Category: Internet
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 152

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