Go!Zilla vs the Net download

Steven Larson writes that the most multitalented Internet download utility to come down the wires lately is Go!Zilla by Aaron Ostler.
I agree. Drag filenames off the Internet and drop them into this inexpensive browser work-along, and Go!Zilla searches the Net for the fastest FTP sites from which to download the files, then snatches them up for you at the time you specify.

Download large files from the fastest sites or at off-peak hours with the help of Go!Zilla

If you're downloading a big file and your Internet connection goes haywire halfway through the capture, Go!Zilla will come to the rescue and later resume the download where it left off.
You can also set the program to log on to the Net while you're sleeping, download the files you've specified, and then log off. It will even scan the downloaded files for viruses, store them in folders or directories you indicate, and include Shortcuts to them on your desktop so you can easily find them when you wake up.
Find Go!Zilla at http://www.gizmo.net/GoZilla. The registration fee is $US15. Go!Zilla runs under Windows 95 and NT. Note -- you should load Go!Zilla after you start your browser or you may get error messages.
- Judy Heim

Category: Internet
Issue: Apr 1998

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