Run batch files on shutdown
Q I'd like to run a batch file that copies my files to a server when I am shutting down my Windows 95 machine. Is there some way to get Windows to do this automatically? - Pauline Hodel AThere are several programs around that allow a more customisable shutdown in Windows 95. After looking at a couple, the one I found most effective was a shareware program called ShutDown v1.64 (available on our cover CD or from ShutDown allows you to specify a program or batch file in the command line. ShutDown for Windows 95 and NT lets you exit the OS from a batch file or Shortcut You could also consider using a backup program such as the one built into Windows 95. You can create a backup set and save it to a file. For example, I created a backup set called work.set that backs up my entire c:\work directory to a network drive. To simplify the shutdown and backup procedure you can create a Shortcut to the ShutDown program on your desktop. Right-click the new Shortcut, choose Properties and select the Shortcut tab. In the Target field, add the parameters for your batch file. - Roy Chambers | Category: Win95 Issue: Apr 1998 |
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