Let Notepad take the wrap

Q How can I open Notepad with word wrap on? I'm using Windows 95.
- Stephen Boyle

AI have to make a confession here. When I got this question some months back, I thought that this would be easy. But try as I might, I could find no information, document, snippet or clue anywhere to help me do this. So I placed this question on my high and teetering "too hard" pile. Then, while solving another question for this month, I came across a program called NPAD, one component of David Aylott's Utilities for Windows. These are available on our cover CD and from http://www.ozemail.com.au/~daylott/. NPAD allows you to open Notepad with the settings you want. Among other things, NPAD will let you start Notepad with word wrap on.
Alternatively you could obtain a shareware text editor such as TextPad from http://www.textpad.com or one of the freely available text editor substitutes for Notepad such as Notepad+ from http://www.monmouth.com/~andrew/bin/npplus.zip or The Programmers File Editor from http://www.lancs.ac.uk/people/cpaap/pfe/.
- Roy Chambers

Category: Win95
Issue: Apr 1998

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