Pasting text into Word dialogue boxes

In Word 97, running on either Windows 95 or NT 4, I cannot paste text into the Find and Replace dialogue box. This should be a great time saver, as you do not have to retype the text you wish to search for. I am frustrated by the fact that I can no longer use this feature. I could in Word 95, and I can in the current version of WordPad.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
- Angelo Eliades

This sounds to us like a bug in Word 97. Normally you should be able to paste into these dialogue boxes using your mouse and the pull-down menus rather than retyping the text. Paste is visible from the Edit menu when you are performing a Find or Search/Replace, but it doesn't paste text properly into these boxes. Instead it pastes the text back into the main document!
There is a workaround for this problem. Use <Ctrl>-C to copy the text, and then move the insertion bar into the Find/Replace box and use <Ctrl>-V to paste. You'll find keyboard shortcuts quicker than using the mouse.
- Tony Locke

Category: Word processing
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 155

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