Changing file associations
In Windows 95's Explorer, if you want to open a file, a box will open to give you a choice of what application you would like to use to view this file. Also in this box, there is an option to check if you always want to view similar files with the same app. To start with, I wish it wasn't usually "pre-checked", as once you've chosen, or accidentally forgotten to clear it, you are stuck with what you chose. Currently, the only way I know of resetting this kind of association is to reinstall Windows 95. Is there a way to set up Windows so that this box will always open with this option unchecked? I'm sure your Windows 95 experts must know of a far easier way to fix this problem! - Phil Truscott
The Win95 Explorer lets you associate file types with the application of your choice
Use Notepad to create a new file called test1.pcw. Open Explorer and double-click the new file. Chances are that Windows has never heard of the PCW extension, so a dialogue will appear prompting you to choose an application that Windows should use to open files of this type. For the purposes of this experiment, select Notepad from the scroll-down list. If you clear the checkbox Always use this program to open this file, you will find that the same dialogue reappears next time you double-click a PCW file. But if you leave it checked, Windows will never raise the matter again, and will always use Notepad to open files of this type. (Sorry, Phil, but I don't know of any way to force this option to appear unchecked by default). | Category: Win95 Issue: May 1997 Pages: 149-150 |
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