Can't connect to Windows NT network

When I browse from a Windows 95 client that is part of a Windows NT Domain with Network Neighborhood I see an empty window. When I double-click Entire Network I get the error message:
Unable to browse the network.
The network is not accessible.

The Windows 95 client is configured to log on to an NT domain and is also configured as a Workgroup machine, so the Workgroup value and the NT Domain values do not match.
To fix this, either have the Windows 95 client exist as part of a workgroup or as part of the Windows NT domain. Do this from the Network icon in Control Panel: change the name of the workgroup so that it is the same as the domain.
Unlike Windows NT or Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 identifies the Workgroup and Domain settings in two different places in the Network section of Control Panel.

Category: Digital Helpline, Networking, Windows NT
Issue: Nov 1996
Pages: 184

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