Automate repetitive typing

How many times a day do you type your name, the name of your company, or some other standard text? Most of us just repeat the work again and again without thinking. Today's word processors can enter oft-used text automatically whenever you type an abbreviation. This feature is built into the programs, but few users take advantage of it. Here's how to set it up in your favourite word processor:
· Word 6 and 7 Type the recurring phrase into a blank document and highlight it, or highlight any block of text in an existing document. Select Tools--AutoCorrect. The selected phrase will appear in the "With" box of the AutoCorrect dialogue box, and the cursor will be in the "Replace" box. In the "Replace" box, type an abbreviation for your text, making sure it's not a word you might type for another purpose, then click Add and OK. That's it. From then on just type the abbreviation, press <Space>, and Word will insert the entire phrase.
· WordPerfect 6.1 and 7 Type your phrase into a blank document and highlight it, or highlight the phrase in existing text. Select Tools--QuickCorrect. The selected text will appear in the "With" box of the QuickCorrect dialogue box. Type an abbreviation in the "Replace" box, then select Add Entry and Close to store it. To insert the phrase, type the abbreviation, then press <Enter>.
· Word Pro 96 In this program you have to enter the text in a dialogue box instead of highlighting it in the document. Select Edit--SmartCorrect. In the SmartCorrect dialogue box, click the Add Entry button, and in the resulting dialogue box, type your abbreviation in the "SmartCorrect entry" box. Press <Tab>, then type the complete phrase into the "Replacement text" box. Click OK twice to finish. To insert the phrase later in your documents, type the abbreviation, then press <Space>.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Apr 1997
Pages: 170

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