A bigger bin for easy trash collection

High-resolution video drivers give Windows 95 a bigger desktop -- or at least smaller icons. But if the Recycle Bin icon is too small, just dropping things on it becomes an exercise in precision.
You can, of course, adjust the size of all icons: Right-click the desktop, choose Properties, click the Appearance tab, choose Icon from the Item drop-down list, and type in a larger size.
But what if you want to enlarge only the Recycle Bin?
Try this: use your right mouse button to drag the Recycle Bin a short distance from its current position; when you release the mouse button, choose Create Shortcut(s) Here. Do this a half-dozen times or so. Rename each Shortcut with a barely visible name (a comma, a hyphen, a semicolon, or various combinations of these) to avoid an ?Error Renaming File' message. Finally, group all the Shortcuts together on the desktop (see Figure 2). These multiple Shortcuts together act as a much larger Recycle Bin icon.
If you have difficulty moving a Shortcut without dropping it into the Recycle Bin (or into one of the other Shortcuts), try dropping the Shortcut near, but not next to, the others. Then make gradual adjustments from there.
When you're finished, you'll have a much larger area on which to drag and drop your trash quickly.
- Scott Dunn

Category: Win95
Issue: Dec 1996
Pages: 161-162

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