File for another extension

Sometimes you want to save a file with an extension other than the one an application normally supports. For example, if you're working in Notepad or WordPad you may want to save a file as Read.Me or NewApp.Java using File--Save As. Notepad and WordPad, however, second-guess your intentions by adding their default extensions to whatever name you use: Read.Me comes out as Read.Me.txt (Notepad) and NewApp.Java comes out as NewApp.Java.doc (WordPad).
Fortunately, you can easily avoid this confusion by registering your preferred file extensions with Windows. In My Computer or Explorer, choose View--Options. Click the File Types tab and then New Type. Type a description for the extension you want Windows to understand.
Next, type your associated extension (for example, java or me). You can make life even simpler by associating this extension with the app you're most likely to use to open it. Under the Actions section of the Add New File Type dialogue box, click the New button to create a new action. In the "Action" field, type a name for the action (like Open). In the "Application used to perform action" field, type the full path of your chosen executable file, including quote marks if the path name has spaces (as in, "c:\program files\ accessories\wordpad.exe"). Click OK, and close all remaining dialogue boxes.
Tip: if you need to change or remove the extension later, it will be easier to spot if the description you enter begins with the same letters as the extension -- for example, "Java code" or "Me file".

Category: Win95
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 176

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