Make your own themes

Looking to put a little more sparkle on your Windows 95 desktop? Microsoft Plus lets you choose among different themes and their elements--not only for your screen wallpaper but also for desktop icons, mouse cursors, sounds, colours, and more. But you're not stuck with just the themes that Microsoft gives you: By choosing and mixing theme elements, you can creatively make your own.
Here?s how to customise your Windows 95 desktop. You can make most of these changes from Windows' Control Panel: Just choose Start--Settings--Control Panel. Double-click Mouse and select the Pointers tab to customise cursors; double-click Sounds to add your own sound effects to Windows events; and double-click Display to change your wallpaper (Background tab), screen saver (Screen Saver tab), colour schemes and system fonts (Appearance tab), and desktop icons (Plus tab).
Once everything's as you want, double-click the Desktop Themes icon in the Control Panel. Make sure Current Windows settings is selected in the Theme list at the top of the window, then click Save As (see the figure on this page). Type a name for your theme and click Save. By default, themes are saved with the .theme extension in the Themes folder within the Plus! folder.
- Scott Dunn

Category: Win95
Issue: Feb 1997
Pages: 164

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