Now you know who's on Windows

I get a lot of help from the Help Screen, so when I saw Harvey Hope's question in the September issue about finding out who is logged into Windows (Who's on Windows?, p143), I thought I'd try to help.

I've written a program which installs an icon (a yellow question mark) on the right of the taskbar. The tooltip on this icon (displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over it) will show the name of the user who is currently logged on. Use the right-click options to exit or show a credits screen.

It is all my own work, and it's copyright-free (I did use RX Components ù as mentioned in the scrolling message ù but they are free to distribute as long as they are mentioned in accompanying documentation, which they are.

I hope you can include it on your next CD; it might come in useful.

û Max Young

Neville Clarkson adds: Thanks for your trouble, Max. We have included Max's program (showuser.exe) in the Help Screen section of this month's CD.

Issue: November 1998

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