Setting up office

OK, you've got your copy of Red Hat Linux with this issue of PC World. Now what can you do with it? If you want to use an office suite under Linux, you will find several excellent implementations supported by this solid OS. If you are migrating documents from another office suite, you need to plan your strategy, but generally it is straightforward.

Finding a low cost alternative to Microsoft Office is just the first question before deciding on any migration plan. How do you go about converting all your MS Office documents, graphics and spreadsheet data? Seamless transfer of your existing documents from Word (versions 2.0 through 97) and other MS Office applications such as PowerPoint and Excel must be a key requirement. Otherwise, you could spend an enormous amount of time doing major corrections. The secret is to find packages that contain reliable import and export filters, with the emphasis on high quality user-defined macro and template translation capabilities.

To give you an idea of just how easy a migration can be, the effort required for a conversion to another office suite is comparable to an upgrade to a newer version of MS Office. But having said that, to date, no product has ever succeeded in making a totally transparent and correct translation of all Office data, including templates and user-defined macros. This includes Microsoft itself, so don't expect miracles.

Reasonable cost

Star Division, Corel and Applix provide low-cost alternative application suites that most MS Office users will have few, if any, problems operating or migrating to. So how much should you expect to pay? You can get StarOffice 5.0 for personal non-commercial use either by downloading it directly from the Internet, or by purchasing a StarOffice package for US$50, which includes a CD, manual and 30 days installation help. Corel WordPerfect 8 is available as a download (minimal features), or in a personal retail package with more extensive features for only US$70. (And if you can wait a month, you can get it for nothing on the cover of the April PC World). Applixware is only available on CD and can be purchased for only A$145. It comes complete with online and hard copy manuals, plus warranty assistance. Alternatively, you can get Linux and Applixware on the SuSe Linux CD for A$140.

Will I get my favourite features?

What can you expect in an office suite package? Most of us would expect a word processor, spreadsheet and presentation graphics application as a minimum. An HTML editor, plus import and export filters to support Web authoring would be nice. Integrated e-mail, fax and scheduling are also important in a busy office environment.

StarOffice 5.0

This is arguably the best migration alternative, especially for the demanding user. StarOffice 5.0 is available on virtually all Windows platforms and has the same GUI across all operating systems (Windows, Linux, OS/2, Solaris) so you can quickly be productive on whichever platform you feel most comfortable with. Once you have transferred and checked your translated data, it is a simple matter of copying your MS-StarOffice data to the StarOffice directory under Linux. Alternatively, you could transfer all your MS Office data to the StarOffice directory under Linux, and let StarOffice conversion routines do all the work.

StarOffice can even be configured to store, retrieve and edit using native MS file structures, so conversion loss is minimal. StarOffice is a fast, reliable and full-featured alternative to Microsoft Office. Macro conversion, an Access database interface, and filter support are its main claims to fame. In Europe, StarOffice is installed in many private and public organisations in place of MS, because of its cleaner features, ease of maintenance, low cost and advance cross-language support. Whichever path you choose, you will end up with a superior office suite running on a superior OS ù Linux!


Applixware is used in many demanding commercial environments, especially where tasks such as advanced report generation, book compilation and database manipulation are an important requirement.

Applixware was developed specifically for the commercial and scientific user, especially in the Unix environment. It is fast, highly reliable, handles complex scientific data and interfaces easily with other Unix applications, tool sets and database systems.

Applixware has a number of advanced features such as "Real Time Data" collection which is used in the stocks and bonds markets. Applixware filters are held in high regard, as its import and export filters meet most requirements. MS user-defined macro and template conversion are not fully supported, but Applixware's built-in features easily overcome any deficiencies.

Applix Anyware Office

This is a Java-based desktop productivity solution. Featuring the same tools as ApplixOffice, this fully integrated, cross-platform suite is certified 100% Pure Java by Sun Microsystems. It offers a true thin-client alternative that is ideal for network and Webtop computing. Applix Anyware Office will enable you to migrate in the same manner as StarOffice. (See to run a free demo from your IE or Netscape browser).


This package will be no stranger to many readers, especially if you have used WordPerfect since the days of DOS.

Corel's WordPerfect 8.0 implementation under Linux is similar to the Windows version. But MS Office users will not find it confusing. WP8 is available as a free download (containing only the word processor, unfortunately) or can be purchased as a complete Office Suite from Corel. WP8 filters and conversion utilities handle most, but not all, the common requirements. The Linux WordPerfect Server package also comes complete with "non-GUI" support for use with older PC hardware. For the home user, however, the older non-GUI WP versions can be operated under Linux DOSemu (DOS emulation) at no cost, so the Server package is probably only of interest for workgroups sharing WP8 files concurrently.

Linux products and downloads

StarOffice 5.0

Applixware 4.4.1

WordPerfect 8.0

Australian vendor information

Numerous Database products are available under Linux. Open Source products include MySQL, mSQL, and PostgreSQL. Commercial ports of Oracle, Informix and IBM-DB2 are also available for free evaluation. E-mail, fax and scheduling functionality under Linux is handled by specific Open Source applications. E-mail is already integrated into Linux, as is all networking. StarOffice and Applixware offer their own front end implementations, so they are virtually transparent to the user. Faxing under Linux is handled either by eFax (single user, workstation) or HylaFax (multi-user fax server). Scheduling activities are handled by Open Source applications such as Ical and eNotes.

You will need a minimum of 16MB main memory on your system to run these Office Suites with good X-Windows response. No matter what your office suite requirements, Open Source and low-cost commercial alternatives are available, and you don't have to search far. Check out their functionality and enjoy your new-found Linux freedom!


û Grahame Kelly

Issue: March 1999

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