Replace symbols in WordPerfect 6.1 and later

You probably already know that WordPerfect permits you to use the InsertûSymbol command to "type" special characters (smiley faces, pointing hands and so on) into documents. But what if you want to replace a symbol with another throughout a document?

Here's a simple way to avoid unnecessary manual input. You can also use this method to replace international characters ù say, if you want to replace rèsumè with résumé.

Caption: Replace symbols or international characters just as you would any text

1. In a document, select the symbol or character you want to change. Select Edit-Find and Replace.

2. When the Find and Replace dialogue box opens, the selected character will appear in the Find field. Press <Tab>.

3. Press <Ctrl>-W to open the Symbols or WordPerfect Characters dialogue box. Select a different character, and then select Insert and Close. This sequence inserts the replacement character in the Replace with field.

4. Select Replace or Replace All, and you've finished the job.

Hint: You can use the same technique to insert special characters in any WordPerfect dialogue box. For example, when you're working in WordPerfect's Styles Editor or QuickCorrect dialogue box, just press <Ctrl>-W, and you'll get access to the entire set of symbols and characters available in WordPerfect.


û George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: March 1999

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