Where's My Active Desktop?

Windows users installing Internet Explorer 5 are sometimes surprised to find that some of the Active Desktop features they were used to in earlier IE versions donÆt appear. Active Desktop is the part of Windows 98's or Internet Explorer's Desktop Update feature that lets you view content from Web sites on the desktop and employ common Web file formats as wallpaper. However, users didn't like the idea of "push" technology, whereby information is sent to the desktop at the whim of the Web site owner rather than being specifically "pulled" in (sought and chosen) by the user. And, according to Microsoft, users didn't want a Web browser that overhauled their Windows interface. Consequently, Internet Explorer 5 (and presumably its successors) will focus more on Web browsing and less on modifying Windows.

But don't despair. If you want a few enhancements to IE, check out "A Better Way to Explore Your Hard Drives" (www.pcworld.com/jun99/wintips_explore). But if you want to put Web data on your desktop (or just use animated GIFs as wallpaper), you can either upgrade to Windows 98 or find a copy of Internet Explorer 4.01 (for free). To be on the safe side, uninstall Internet Explorer 5 before you install IE 4.01. When setting up 4.01, be sure to install the Windows Desktop Update option if you want the Active Desktop and other interface enhancements. Then install IE 5 over IE 4.01. You can find both browsers at FileWorld.

Category:Windows 9x
Issue: January 2000

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