Mac OS 8.5 does bookmarks

One of the cooler new features in Mac OS 8.5 is its ability to make Internet Location Documents, a form of clipping file that contains Web address information that you can keep anywhere on your Mac and double-click to access a Web site.

But did you know you can drag any Internet address from any application that supports drag-and-drop and create an Internet Location Document (ILD)?

Try this: in Simpletext, type and select the text. While itÆs selected, drag it to the desktop. An icon will appear.

Double-click on the icon any time to launch your browser and open up a highly useful Web site.

This trick also works for e-mail addresses, ftp sites, newsgroups, AppleShare servers and HTML files stored on your Mac (you have to format the filename correctly, such as file:///Walrus/WebSites/index.html).

This is a handy way to handle your e-mail contacts, since the Mac has more flexibility in its folder hierarchy than most e-mail applications. Double-click on an e-mail address ILD and your e-mail application opens with a pre-addressed blank document ready for you to start typing.

Issue: February 1999

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