Get your game in shape

With your operating system, office suite, and browser momentarily patched into submission, it's time to take a break with your favourite computer game. But even fun stuff has bugs. Here are some recent patches for four popular games:

Activision Civilization: Find numerous improvements to the game's editor and interface, along with dozens of crash-preventing fixes, at

Sierra Studios Half-Life: You'll find three patches for different versions of Half-Life at If you've got version, go to for a patch that adds server capabilities so you can play over a network or on the Internet.

Ativision Heretic II: There are now four patches available at One of them, the Enhancement Pack Version 1.06 Update, adds features known to Heretic II fanatics: Deathmatch maps, new skins, and a new Armageddon level.

MicroProse MechWarrior3 1.1: The official MechWarrior site has a 2.5MB patch offering hundreds of bug fixes and enhancements. Find it at

- Scott Spanbauer

Category:Bugs & Fixes
Issue: December 1999

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