Elementary Sherlock

The greatly enhanced Find File feature in Mac OS 8.5 (aka Sherlock) allows you to search multiple Web sites at the same time without opening a browser. This in itself is cool, but itÆs a bit limited when you see that you can only display six Sherlock-equipped sites at once. If you want to select more, you have a lot of scrolling to do. No doubt this will be improved in a later version of Mac OS, but in the meantime there are a number of alternatives.

Moriarty (members.aol.com/appleink98/moriarty.htm) gives Sherlock an expandable window, allowing you to display as many plug-ins as your screen allows. Some users have reported problems using Moriarty with Mac OS 8.5.1, however, so if youÆre using this OS, I recommend SherlockWindowSize (www.ncal.verio.com/~lsr/programs/index.html). SherlockWindowSize is an extension that automatically sets SherlockÆs window to display the maximum number of plug-ins possible.

- Matthew JC Powell

Issue: April 1999

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