More on the application switcher

Have you ever wanted to perform some operation on the desktop, only to find that open applicationsÆ windows keep getting in the way? This happens to me a lot ù usually when IÆve saved a document to the desktop and want to drag it to the appropriate file server.

Paul Lucas of Marrickville, NSW, e-mailed me the coolest tip for clearing clutter: with the application switcher (either as a palette or as a menu) you simply hold down the option key while selecting an open application (including the Finder) and all other applicationsÆ windows vanish. Presto!

I also get frustrated by some of the features Apple has built into the Mac to make life easier ù Mac OS Easy Open and the Internet control panel, for instance. I donÆt always want to open a file using the application that IÆve set as a default. HereÆs a neat trick, though: drag any file onto an applicationÆs button in the application switcher palette, and that application will attempt to open the file.

- Matthew JC Powell

Issue: April 1999

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