Extend the Documents menu

Q In Windows 95, is there a way to change the number of entries that appear on the Documents menu? The default is 15; can it be set to 5 or 20? Your reply would be greatly appreciated.

û Bill Angelopoulos

A Love it or loathe it, the Documents menu sits on your Start Menu, faithfully displaying the last 15 files that you opened by double-clicking on their icons. Amazingly, either by design or oversight, Windows 95 doesn't provide any obvious way to change the number of accessed documents from the default setting of 15. However, I discovered a couple of shareware programs that will.


Caption: Recent Documents 97 (above) provides an interface to the Documents menu. DocLimit (bellow) lets you specify how many documents will appear on the menu, up to a maximum of fifteen


Recent Documents 97 provides an application interface to the Documents menu. It lets you determine the number and type of documents that can be accessed from the Documents menu, and provides a range of document management features such as filtering, ageing, locking and categorising. Recent Documents 97 can be downloaded from www.smartcode.com/products/recent/recent.htm.

DocLimit 1.0 has only one purpose, and that is to let you specify how many documents will appear on the Documents menu. You can choose any number from 0 to 15, but no more. DocLimit is also handy for keeping your Documents menu permanently empty. It can be found at www.winfiles.com/apps/98/startmenu.html.

û Belinda Taylor

Issue: June 1998

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