Folders at your fingertips

In the March issue of Australian PC World you give "Five tips for keeping folders at your fingertips" (p160). I have a better scheme.

I create a folder called _ShortCuts under c:\, and fill it with Shortcuts to all the folders and files that I want ready access to. A double-click on anything in that folder will take me straight to where I want to go. The underscore in the name ensures that the folder is shown directly below c:\ in the left pane of Explorer, so it is easy to find.

For additional ease of use, I put on my desktop an Explorer icon which is set to open the _ShortCuts folder. I can get to any of my favourite places with two clicks of the middle button of my Logitech mouse (which is set up to do double left-clicks) ù one click to open Explorer, then one click to get to my destination. To make the icon open Explorer at the right place, set the Shortcut target to c:\Windows\Explorer.exe /n,/e,c:\_ShortCuts).

û Pat Chandler

Category: Win95
Issue: May 1998

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