If you can't delete, ask the developer

With reference to an article in the June issue (If you can't delete, cheat, p150) ù as I am one of the creators of the Cyclone tracking program I have been asked this question ["How do I remove the program?"] a few times. Firstly there should have been an uninstall.bat with the Zip file that Rosdy Kalat downloaded. If he had used this it would have removed the program.

The offending file MCP_.exe uses a common programmers' trick of having an invisible "alt" code at the end of the name. The easiest way for him to delete it would be go into the directory that he installed it in (usually c:\cyclone) via the DOS prompt and type del mcp*.exe. That will get rid of it for him.

û Ian Gottke

Issue: August 1998

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