Software License Agreement Installing this software constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license agreement. Please read the license agreement before installation. Other rules and regulations of installing this software are as follows: 1) The product can not be rented, loaned or leased - You are the sole owner of the product. 2) The customer shall not disclose the results of any benchmark test to any third party without Network Associates' prior written approval. 3) The customer will not publish reviews of the product without prior consent from Network Associates. 4) No liability for consequential damages. In no event shall Network Associates or its suppliers be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental, or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance, or use of the software. Even if Network Associates has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Network Associates' liability for any claim, whether in contract, tort, or any other theory of liability, exceed the license fee paid by you, if any. 5) This product is licensed for personal use only. It is not licensed for commercial use. 6) Only one copy of this software can be installed from this CD. The original CD is your proof of ownership. 7) Technical Support is not provided for this product. The customer accepts this product is provided "as-is". Technical Support is available to customers upgrading to the retail package. Support via the web is available at 8) This software is for use only within New Zealand. The software includes cryptographic information subject to export controls under the Export Administration Act, and anyone receiving such a transfer cannot export or re-export the software without a license. This cannot be reexported to the following countries: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Diversion to end users in these countries or otherwise contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. Network Associates products are available through leading resellers. Network Associates can be contacted at : Network Associates Australia Level 1, 500 Pacific Highway St. Leonards, NSW 2065 Phone: 61-2-8425-4200 Fax: 61-2-9439-5166