1 Command line error. Use -s for startup check or give a valid filename to check. 2 Getting file information... 3 CyberMedia Virus Checker 4 Are you sure you want to delete the file %s? 5 Unable to delete %s. Make sure it's not in use or the drive is write protected. 6 Files Checked %d 7 The file %s cannot be deleted! 8 The virus %s was found in the file %s\nGuard Dog is unable to clean this virus. Do you want to delete the file instead? 9 Guard Dog was unable to clean the virus %s found on %s. 10 The Boot Virus %s was found on the drive %c. Do you want to clean it? 11 An error occured while trying to clean the virus on the boot sector of drive %c. The disk may be write protected. 12 The virus %s is in your current memory. Reboot your system NOW to flush it out! 13 No files were found in the selected item. 14 The Virus %s was found on the file %s. Do you want to clean it? 15 Check for &Viruses 16 Guard Dog 17 Error initializing virus scan. 18 Error launching VCHECK32.EXE. 19 Guard Dog Virus Checker