1001 CyberMedia Guard Dog 12032 12 AM 12033 11 PM 12034 10 PM 12035 9 PM 12036 8 PM 12037 7 PM 12038 6 PM 12039 5 PM 12040 4 PM 12041 3 PM 12042 2 PM 12043 1 PM 12044 12 PM 12045 11 AM 12046 10 AM 12047 9 AM 12048 8 AM 12049 7 AM 12050 6 AM 12051 5 AM 12052 4 AM 12053 3 AM 12054 2 AM 12055 1 AM 12056 Guard Dog Interview 12089 Incorrect Password\nWould you like to retry?\nHint: %s 12090 Incorrect Password 12091 The new and confirmed passwords do not match.\n Please enter again. 12092 Password cannot have zero lengths. Please reenter. 12093 Login Failed. Exceeded maximum number of retries. 12150 Title 12151 Data 12169 What 12170 When 12171 Check all files 12172 Check all documents 12173 Check all programs 12174 Check all programs and documents 12175 Check privacy 12176 Check security 12177 Encrypt files 12178 Decrypt files 12179 Wipe files 12180 Once 12181 Hourly 12182 Daily 12183 Weekly 12184 Monthly 12185 Startup 12186 Idle Time 12190 Monday 12191 Tuesday 12192 Wednesday 12193 Thursday 12194 Friday 12195 Saturday 12196 Sunday 12197 Name: 12198 \nAddress: 12199 \nEmail: 12200 \nPhone: 12201 \nFinacial Data: \n 12202 The Title field and the Data field should be filled in 12203 GuardDog 12204 The Title field should be filled in 12205 The Data field should be filled in 12206 Welcome to Guard Dog! 12207 CreateWindow. 12210 Guard Dog's Identity Protector is protecting the \nfollowing users: 12211 Do you want to add another user? 12212 Enter the financial information -- bank account, credit card, phone card, etc. -- that you want Guard Dog to protect. 12213 Welcome to Guard Dog Interview 12214 Guard Dog Password 12215 Protects your information. 12216 Your Guard Dog password protects the personal information, settings, and passwords that you have entered into Guard Dog. For the highest level of safety, Guard Dog recommends that you choose a password. Guard Dog asks for your password when you start Windows.\n\nNote: 12217 Use a password with Guard Dog 12218 Password: 12219 Re-type Password: 12220 Reminder: 12221 Something we can tell you to help 12222 you remember your password 12223 Anti-Virus 12224 Guard Dog's Anti-Virus engine can check for viruses when\n Windows starts.\n\nThis might take quite a long time... 12225 Check for viruses when Windows starts. 12226 Notify me when new virus patterns are available. 12227 Guard Dog 12228 Guard Dog can create an Emergency Disk for you.\n\nThe Emergency Disk is used to save your critical system \nfiles and personal information in case of a system \ncrash or virus contamination. 12229 Create an Emergency Disk. 12230 Summary 12231 The Guard Dog Interview is complete. 12232 Please review the current settings for Guard Dog: 12233 Identity 12234 Settings 12235 Financial Information 12236 If these settings are correct, click "Finish" to restart your PC.\n\nClick back to go back and make corrections. 12237 A global password has been set. 12238 No password has been set. 12239 An Emergency Disk has been created. 12240 No Emergency Disk has been create. 12241 Check for viruses when Windows starts. 12242 No virus check when\nWindows starts. 12243 Notify me when new virus patterns available. 12244 No notification when new virus update 12245 - 12246 First Name 12247 Middle Name 12248 Last Name 12249 Street 12250 City 12251 State 12252 Zip/Postal Codes 12253 Social Security Number 12254 Phone Number 12255 Email Address 12256 Guard Dog protects you from privacy, security, and virus threats while you cruise the Internet 12257 (You will need a 3.5 inch floopy disk) 12258 Type 12259 Description 12260 AL 12261 AK 12262 AZ 12263 AR 12264 CA 12265 CO 12266 CT 12267 DE 12268 FL 12269 GA 12270 HI 12271 ID 12272 IL 12273 IN 12274 IA 12275 KS 12276 KY 12277 LA 12278 ME 12279 MD 12280 MA 12281 MI 12282 MN 12283 MS 12284 MO 12285 MT 12286 NE 12287 NV 12288 NH 12289 NJ 12290 NM 12291 NY 12292 NC 12293 ND 12294 OH 12295 OK 12296 OR 12297 PA 12298 RI 12299 SC 12300 SD 12301 TN 12302 TX 12303 UT 12304 VT 12305 VA 12306 WA 12307 WV 12308 WI 12309 WY 12310 Name 12311 Address 12312 SS# 12313 Driver's License 12314 E-mail 12315 Account 12316 Number 12317 To determine how best to protect you, Guard Dog needs to ask you some questions. In the next few pages you will learn about Internet privacy and security issues, and also provide Guard Dog with the information it needs. Some pages include links to additional information. Click the words that are underlined and in blue to display the information. If you need help during the Interview, press the F1 key.\n\nBefore you begin, gather together your credit card numbers and other financial information, as well as any other information you want Guard Dog to protect. 12318 Enter the identity information that Guard Dog will keep private. 12319 The information that you enter on these pages will be protected from being sent out unencrypted and without your approval. 12320 Country 12321 Note: 12322 If you do not have this information available now, finish the interview and enter the information later. To change this and all Guard Dog settings after the Interview, click "Options" on the Guard Dog Home Page and then click on "Protection Settings." 12323 Number 12324 In the first part of the Interview, Guard Dog learns about what you want to keep private. Guard Dog uses this information to protect your privacy in four ways:\n\nIdentity Protector 12325 Identity Protector 12326 Prevents your personal information (Name, Address, etc.) from being sent out unencrypted and without your approval. 12327 Cookie Blocker 12328 Blocks unauthorized Web sites from spying on your Web browsing habits. 12329 Search Filter 12330 Blocks unauthorized Web sites from learning about searches. 12331 Web Trail Cleaner 12332 Cleans up the Web files that your Web browser leaves behind, protecting you from potential threats to your privacy. 12333 Many Web sites record your preferences by sending small files called "cookies" to your PC. Some sites may use cookies to track your Web browsing habits. In addition, some Web sites allow other Web sites to send cookies to your PC. Guard Dog protects your privacy by accepting cookies from the Web sites you approve of. 12334 Guard Dog recommends that you accept cookies from sites you directly visit (by typing in the address or accessing from a bookmark) but not from sites that you do not actually go to (sites that your browser accesses from other sites). 12335 Accepted 12336 Rejected 12337 Cookies from Web sites I visit: 12338 Cookies from other sites: 12339 Note: 12340 You can always change these settings later. 12341 Prompt for 12342 Always 12343 Action 12344 Anyone with access to your computer can learn about the search requests you have made and the Web sites you have visited. 12345 Guard Dog protects your privacy by cleaning up your Web browsing trails after you end an Internet session.\n\n What action should Guard Dog take when you close your Web browser? 12346 No Action 12347 Prompt to clean up 12348 Automatically clean up 12349 Note: 12350 ever be deleted.) 12351 Search requests and other data that you enter at a Web site are often passed on to other Web sites without your knowledge. Guard Dog's Search Filter protects your privacy by stopping this activity. 12352 Would you like Guard Dog to block the information you enter at one Web site from being passed onto another site? 12353 Yes, Enable Search Filter 12354 No, Disable Search Filter 12355 Guard Dog protects your security in three ways:\n\nGateKeeper 12356 Alerts you when programs on your PC try to access the Internet without your permission. 12357 File Guardian 12358 Guards critical files (files with passwords, system files) and your sensitive financial documents. For an extra level of protection, File Guardian can encrypt and permanently delete files. 12359 Password Manager 12360 Manages and protects the Usernames and passwords you use to access Web sites. 12361 Programs on your PC can connect to the Internet and send information without your knowledge and without your permission. 12362 Guard Dog can protect your security by blocking unauthorized programs on your computer from connecting to the Internet.\n\n When would you like Guard Dog to warn you? 12363 When an unauthorized program tries to access the Internet. 12364 When going to Web sites known to contain hostile ActiveX and viruses. 12365 If my modem dials out silently. 12366 If any Credit Card number is sent out over the Internet. 12367 Guard Dog protects your security by blocking programs from accessing important files without your permission. For example, you may want to protect your passwords and financial files from programs that can tamper with them. 12368 What files would Guard Dog protect? 12369 Password files 12370 E-Mail files 12371 Financial files 12372 Personal files 12373 Site 12374 Username 12375 Password 12376 Guard Dog's Password Manager can store all your Usernames and passwords in one secure location (in encrypted form) so you do not have to write them down or leave them lying around. 12377 Password Manager works with Guard Dog's Browser Buddy to make it easy to access your passwords while you surf the Web.\n\nEnter the passwords you would like Guard Dog to manage. 12378 e.g. www.msn.com 12379 josolama 12380 s3Dfervb 12381 Guard Dog uses powerful virus scanning technology designed to automatically find and clean viruses on your PC. New viruses are a constant problem, so Guard Dog automatically notifies you when it is time to update your virus protection -- that way, you are always protected! 12382 When would you like Guard Dog to check for viruses? 12383 Whenever Windows starts up. 12384 Automatically whenever there is some file activity 12385 Here is the personal and financial information you provided to Guard Dog. The easiest way to change any of this information is to use the Back button to return to the appropriate pages. 12386 Name: 12387 Address: 12388 E-Mail Address: 12389 Social Security #: 12390 Phone #: 12391 Financial Accounts: 12392 Tip: To change your settings after the Interview, click "Options" on the Guard Dog Home Page, then click "Interview" or "Protection Settings." 12393 Thank you for taking the time to provide Guard Dog with the information that it needs. Complete the interview by clicking Finish. Guard Dog's home screen will appear, and you will be ready to perform a Guard Dog CheckUp. 12394 You have successfully setup Guard Dog to protect you from privacy, security, and virus threats.\n\nRemember, you can change your settings at any time by selecting "Options" on the Guard Dog Home Page and clicking "Protection Settings." You can also return to the Interview by clicking on "Interview." 12395 Guard Dog can automatically create an that can restore your PC and all Guard Dog settings in the event of a system crash or virus contamination. Click on "Create" to do so, otherwise click on "Finish." 12396 Note: 12397 You must restart your PC for Guard Dog's settings to take effect. 12398 identity protection 12399 view Privacy Policy 12400 "cookies" 12401 don't actually go to 12402 search requests 12403 trails 12404 Search requests 12405 information pass-thru 12406 Read more about security 12407 Show me how Guard Dog works. 12408 unauthorized 12409 encrypted 12410 Browser Buddy 12411 Read more about viruses... 12412 virus patterns 12413 Finish 12414 Emergency Disk 12415 Add 12416 Edit 12417 Remove 12418 to record your preferences; however, some sites may also use cookies to track your web browsing habits.\n\nGuard Dog can help protect your privacy by blocking cookies from Web sites you dont't approve. 12419 Bank Acct. 12420 Brokerage 12421 Credit Card Number 12422 Other 12423 Phone Card 12424 Tip: To change your settings after the interview, click "Options" on the Guard Dog Home Page, then click "Interview" or "Protection Settings." 12425 Click Next to begin. 12426 Your password is important! Make sure to keep a record of it in a secure place. If you forget your password, you will not be able to change your Guard Dog settings. 12427 Privacy 12428 Read more about privacy... 12429 Show me a video about privacy... 12430 Keeps it private 12431 More information on CyberMedia's Privacy Policy. 12432 Tips: 12433 To change your settings after the Interview, click "Options" on the Guard Dog Home Page, then click "Interview" or "Protection Settings." 12434 You control the Web 12435 automatic clean-up 12436 Guard Dog cleans up safely, and never deletes critical files. 12437 Keeps searches private 12438 Security 12439 watches your PC 12440 watches your files 12442 Note: 12443 You can tell Guard Dog's File Guardian to protect any files. To add files, click "Options" from the main UI, select "Protection Settings", then select "File Guardian". 12444 secures passwords 12445 AntiVirus 12446 Note: 12447 Depending on the number of files on your PC, this may take a few moments. 12448 Interview Summary 12449 You are almost done! 12450 Create Emergency Disk 12451 Emergency Disk 12452 Safeguards settings 12453 You have successfully set up Guard Dog. Guard Dog recommends creating a Guard Dog Emergency Disk to save your password. If you forget your password for Guard Dog, use the Emergency Disk to retrieve your data. 12454 If you get a boot sector virus, you must use your Emergency Disk to start your computer and remove the virus. 12455 You are Done! 12456 (e.g. Mother's Maiden Name) 12457 (e.g. jos@domain.com) 12458 Your password is corrupted. Please use you emergency disk to restore your password. 12459 VISA 12460 Master Card 12461 Discover 12462 AMEX 12463 /Province 12464 U.S. 12465 U.S.A. 12466 US 12467 USA 12468 UNITED STATES 12469 u.s. 12470 u.s.a. 12471 us 12472 usa 12473 united states 12474 The URL field must be filled in! 12475 Guard Dog 12476 The Username field must be filled in! 12477 The Password field must be filled in! 12478 The URL you entered is invalid! 12479 The URL you entered already exists! 12480 Please enter your password! 12481 Please re-type your password! 12482 Password you typed is not correct, type again! 12483 Please fill your social security number correctly! 12484 Please fill your card number completely! 12485 Please enter the First Name field, otherwise the information you enter here will not be saved! 12486 or download. 12487 Unable to play video. Please insert your Guard Dog CD.