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Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
If you can build it, you can ride it in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, a game that lets you create your own amusement park. The third instalment in the RollerCoaster tycoon series features a new Coaster Cam that lets you experience the rides you design. Your rides can attract diverse characters with changing facial expressions and hundreds of animations including running, jumping, dancing and throwing up. Customise your guests, walk around your park, and become a true rollercoaster tycoon.
This demo lets you manage your own theme park for three tutorials and the "A Taste of Paradise" scenario.

Download File

File name
rct3 usa demo final.exe

File size

Click on the file name to download the file from the CD to your PC



Official website:
File size: 167MB
Licence: Demo
Operating system(s): Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP

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