Unwanted startups

Q When I boot my computer, Win 95 starts up and automatically opens up a window displaying the Windows directory. I've checked the startup folder, but there's nothing there. How can I stop this happening?
- Mike Kohler

A If an Explorer Window is open when you exit Windows, it will reopen when the system is restarted. This is normal Windows 95 behaviour. However, Explorer may occasionally take on a life of its own -- opening a Window for no apparent reason. Try the following fix.
In Explorer, open the Windows folder and double-click win.ini. Examine any lines which begin with "Load=" or "Run=". Delete any unnecessary commas or spaces which may have crept into these lines. Then save and exit win.ini and restart Windows 95.
According to Microsoft, stray punctuation like this can cause Explorer to be launched at startup. However, in these circumstances, Explorer should open on the root directory, rather than the Windows folder. If any readers know of other causes, please contact the Help Screen.
- Neville Clarkson

Category: Win95
Issue: Feb 1998
Pages: 160

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