How to delete a password in Win95

I work in a networked Windows 95 environment. I have shared my hard disk under password control, so that I can access it remotely, but no-one else can. However, a few days ago I accessed it from another machine, and when I typed in the password I forgot to un-check the "Do you want to store this password" check box. Hence, my password is now stored somewhere on that machine, and it can access my machine at any time.
Search as I might, I can't find how to make the machine forget my password. Nothing in the help files, nothing in the registry. Eventually, I changed my share password, and re-accessed from that machine. It asked for the new password, which I gave it, and then I changed mine back. There's got to be an easier way.
- Bruce Horsburgh

For each user there's a password file (username.pwl) in the Windows directory. You can delete or rename this file to remove the password, and then set up a new password with your old ID. This might be the answer if you have a password file on a remote machine.
- Neale Morison

Category: Win95, Networking
Issue: Dec 1996
Pages: 157

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