Make a blank page useful

When internet Explorer runs into connection problems, it loads an empty HTML document called blank.htm from the C:\Windows\System folder. Robert Butts, a reader who got in touch with us via the Internet, saw no reason to leave this page bare, so he turned it into an alternative Favorites page. Here's how it's done:

Before you start to edit blank.htm, you must open it in FrontPage Express. (If you don't have this free Web editor, you can download it from Select FavoritesûOrganize Favorites, and drag all of the links you want into FrontPage Express. After you're done, resave blank.htm in its original location.

Or make life really easy on yourself by specifying c:\Windows\Favorites ù or wherever your Favorites folder resides ù as your home page.

To achieve the same goal in Navigator 4, you should select EditûPreferences, click Navigator in the left pane, and then click the Browse button and look for and select bookmark.htm, which is usually located in \program files\netscape.

û Judy Heim

Issue: January 1999

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