Add pizzazz to slideshows

Q I'm looking for a software package that will display some pictures IÆve scanned onto my computer, preferably with some sort of digital effect between each one. My intention is to project a slideshow on a wall through an LCD/Lightprobe projector. Could you please suggest a program that is not too expensive?

û James Koutsis

A There are a number of shareware programs that will let you create your own slideshows and presentations. You may want to try out a program called, appropriately enough, SlideShow, which can be downloaded from (and from our cover CD). SlideShow is a presentation engine that uses either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator as its viewing interface, and you can use it to create multimedia presentations from image files, sound files, documents, and Web pages. SlideShow includes features such as looping, full screen mode, sequential or random slide selection, individually timed or default timed slides, and a tape recorder-style interface in the editing window where you create your presentations.

To run SlideShow youÆll need Windows 95/98 or Windows NT, and Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. A sound card is required if you want to include sound in your presentations. If you decide to keep it, SlideShow currently costs $US29.95, and can be purchased from BeaglesoftÆs Web site.

û Belinda Taylor

Category:publishing and presentation
Issue: February 1999

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