This one has the potential to be a real nightmare in the future. A virus may infect your system and unknown to you, it may also be copied into the _Restore folder. When you then restore Windows Me (a likely event after an infection), your system is potentially re-infected. Due to the nature of these files, they canÆt be cleaned by antivirus programs. Furthermore, settings in antivirus programs may ignore the folder altogether. If your system is ever infected, manually scan the contents of the _Restore folder. One way to remove viruses lurking in the folder is to disable System Restore, and restart the computer. This will purge the contents of the _Restore folder (this means you no longer have access to these restore points, so tread carefully). Running a full antivirus scan should remove the last traces of the virus. There are other options and some traps to watch, so make sure you read the full document at MicrosoftÆs site before proceeding. -By Scott Mendham |
Category:Bugs and fixes Issue: February 2001 |
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