Realign numbered lists

Q When I use the numbered list feature in Word, the numbers line up at the left. This looks wrong to me when the list exceeds nine items, since the 1 in the tens column of 10 aligns with the 9 in the ones column of the line above. Isn't there some way to right-align these numbers?

- Nestor Mendiola

A A lot of people share your irritation at Word's default number alignment style. Fortunately, there is a way to make the numbers line up in the manner you prefer, though it's by no means an obvious one. Here's what to do:

Word 97:
1. Before creating a numbered list or after selecting an existing numbered list, select Format-Bullets and Numbering.
2. If necessary, click the Numbered tab in the Bullets and Numbering dialogue box, and select one of the numbering option samples featured in that dialogue.
3. Click Customize.
4. Open the Number position list in the Customize Numbered List dialogue box, and choose Right.

Caption: Use this (or a similar) dialogue box to control alignment of WordÆs numbered lists

Word 6 and 7:
1. Before creating a numbered list or after selecting an existing numbered list, select Format-Bullets and Numbering.
2. If necessary, click the Numbered tab in the Bullets and Numbering dialogue box, and select one of the numbering option samples featured in that dialogue.
3. Click Modify.
4. Open the Alignment of List Text list in the Number Position frame of the Modify Numbered List dialogue box, and choose Right to align the numbers the way you want. Click OK to finish the job.

- George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: April 1999

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