Find elusive discussions

The Internet's best information is shared in discussion groups ù Usenet newsgroups (which you subscribe to with your browser's news feature), bulletin boards on big Web sites, and mailing lists (which you subscribe to by e-mail). But in this ocean of online discussion, finding the groups that interest you isn't easy.

Fortunately, you can search all these groups by heading to Here are some hints for effective searching.

  • Keep your search terms general; Reference.Com searches subject lists, not actual discussions.
  • Search mailing lists first; there are more of these on the Net than newsgroups.
  • Reference.Com offers archives of many mailing list discussions, though not all. If an archive you'd like to read is missing, follow the list's sign-up information or contact the person who runs the list.


Find your way into any Net discussion, even private mailing lists, by heading to

û Judy Heim

Category: Internet
Issue: May 1998

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