Beam me down, Internet Explorer!

Jake Pollmann writes that you can do a lot more from the address bar in Internet Explorer 4.0 than navigate to URLs. For instance:

Send an e-mail message. Type mailto: followed by the address ù for example, (By the way, this works in Navigator, too.)

View your desktop. Type desktop. Or start typing the name of a Shortcut, and Internet Explorer will open the application.

Open My Computer. Type my computer, or the name you gave to My Computer.

Start a DOS app. Type c.\

Open a folder. Type its path name ù for example, c:\text. You'll get a directory listing of the folder. You can open some files from here, too; and by clicking the down arrow, you can find and launch commands you've recently typed. This also works in Navigator.

û Judy Heim

Issue: July 1998

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