Copy Word tables to Excel

Have you ever had to move a table with long cell entries from Word to Excel? When you paste the table into Excel, it looks like a mess. Here's how to make the move as simple as possible. The following steps work in all versions of Office.

1. In Word, select the entire table; then choose EditûCopy.

2. In Excel, place the pointer where you want the table; then select Edit, Paste.

3. Select the columns that contain the table, then change their width to match their width in Word.

4. With the table still selected, choose FormatûCells, click the Alignment tab, select Top from the Vertical drop-down list, and check the Wrap text box. Click OK.

5. To apply one of Excel's prefab formats to the table, select FormatûAutoFormat, then choose one of the available formats.

û George Campbell

Category:word processing, spreadsheet
Issue: July 1998

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