Give your active desktop a more active role

Windows' new active desktop ù which is included with Internet Explorer 4.0 and also with the upcoming Windows 98 ù is not just for the Web-connected. By creating your own HTML file with various form fields and saving it as Windows wallpaper, you can change your Windows desktop into a scratch pad, a blotter, a daily to-do list, or a holding tank for any miscellaneous material you may want to keep temporarily in a convenient location.

Here's what to do. Choose StartûProgramsûInternet ExplorerûFrontPage Express. Now get creative ù colour the text and background (choose FormatûBackground and select colours from the Background and Text lists), type in some text, and format it as you please (use the drop-down lists and buttons on the Format toolbar).

To add areas for desktop typing, use the Forms toolbar. For a single-line box, click the One-Line Text Box button on the left of the Forms toolbar. Or for a larger box, click the Scrolling Text Box button. To resize a text box, select it and drag its handles. Once it's the right size, you can duplicate it by selecting it, holding down <Ctrl>, and dragging the copy to another location.

If you have trouble positioning items, consider inserting them into a table. Start by dragging the Insert Table button on the Standard toolbar (choose ViewûStandard Toolbar if you don't see it) until it displays the appropriate number of rows and columns. When it does, release the mouse button. If you have items that you want to move into the table, just select each item and drag it to the desired cell. Select commands on the Table menu to add to the table (Insert Rows or Columns), combine two or more selected cells into a single cell (Merge Cells), convert single cells into several (Split Cells), or adjust the table's colours, alignment, and cell margins or padding (Table Properties).

Finally, add some finishing touches. The Check Box button on the Forms toolbar inserts a convenient tool for checking off items on your desktop agenda. And if you need an eye-catching daily reminder, consider using a scrolling marquee (choose InsertûMarquee, select formatting options, and click OK).

When you're done, choose FileûSave or FileûSave As and click As File. Navigate to the Wallpaper folder (usually Windows\Web\Wallpaper) and click Save. Then exit FrontPage Express and right-click the Desktop. Select Active DesktopûCustomize my Desktop. Click the Web tab and make sure View my Active Desktop as a Web page is checked. Then click the Background tab and select your Internet document from the list. Click OK. You can now jot down any notes or agenda items you need for the day on your desktop.


Caption: Turn your desktop into a scratch pad by adding HTML form controls and saving them as a Web page


If you turn off your computer nightly, your desktop form will be a clean slate each time you turn on your PC. Since the notes aren't preserved, you'll need a permanent way to store important information. Also, Active Desktop boggles some PCs; if you see strange new problems, revert to your passive-but-problem-free existence.

û Scott Dunn

Issue: July 1998

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